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Saturday, March 7, 2009


Lately, I get really crestfallen when I hear of women scheduling cosmetic surgery after being mentally forced into it by their significant other. Normally, it is after delivering a child, where the stretch marks and sagging skin are debilitating on one’s psyche and ravaging on one’s physique.

I just want to bring awareness to the fact that cosmetic surgery is still surgery, carrying with it many risks like any other surgery. Do I have to remind everyone about Donde West, the mother of Kanye West, or Tameka Foster’s recent scare. To my dismay, rumor has it that she is scheduled to go back under the knife in two months.

After delivering five kids, Tameka’s body must have been ravaged, but risking your life again for vanity purposes and leaving five kids without a mother is both asinine and selfish.

One day, while attending a gathering at a girlfriend’s house, she casually tells me that she is getting a tummy tuck and liposuction because her husband has been making comments about her post-pregnancy physique.

After chatting in the kitchen, we eventually join everyone else in the living room. Still pondering the news she delivered in the kitchen, I give her husband sitting catty-cornered from me a good once-over. Watching him complacently ensconced in his chair with his hands folded on the girth of his midriff, I take inventory of the paunchy belly, jiggling jowls and miniature feet.

At the end of the night, I am thinking of a way in which I could tactfully say that her husband resembles a bloated muskrat, and the nerve of him to force you into a life- threatening procedure. With his big belly and small feet, I am sure he is not the bedfellow that one boasts about.

Instead of discouraging her from a decision that had already been made, I remain a supportive friend and ruefully tell her to call the doctor and ask “if they offer a two for one tummy tucks for husband and wife!”

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